Making Money At Home

How many times have you heard that phrase, pitch, advertisement, or whatever? Lots, I'm sure. It is used so much because marketers know that staying home and making money is the fondest dream of millions of people.

And why not? Did you know that the majority of fatal heart attacks happen at 9 a.m. Monday morning? It's true. It seems a lot of people would rather die than get back to the old grind after a weekend of freedom.

So when someone offers an opportunity or plan for you to take your job and shove it, yet still make enough money to live and pay all your bills, it sounds blissfully irresistible.

Of course, bliss and reality are always two different things. Is it really possible to run a business from your own home that is more than a hobby or source of part-time income? Can you get rich working out of yourown home? Can you really trade your cubical and necktie for blue jeans and the comfort of your own den?

Well, for your information, home-based businesses are one of the fastest growing kinds of enterprises in America today. As this is being written, some 40 million Americans are doing at least some form of work out of their homes, and the numbers are rising rapidly. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, as many as 70 million people will be working out of their homes by the year 2005. Government studies have indicated that asmuch as 75% of all work done in this country could eventually be movedhome.

The overwhelming majority of home workers, however, are not exactly getting rich. The average work-at-home American earns less than $15,000 per year. That may not be bad as a supplement to a spouse's full-time income, but let's face it, fifteen grand in and of itself is not much better than poverty.

As master marketer and author Dr. Jeffrey Lant said: "Frankly, I never saw any benefit to staying home and being poor." Lant, without so much as a business card, became a work-at-home millionaire, and is a perfect example of what truly can be achieved if you are serious about chucking your day job, staying home, and not settling for peanuts in exchange for your freedom. You can have it all -- you can stay home and make as much -- and more -- money than your current job provides you.

In this report, we are going to outline and discuss five key rules on how to work at home and make big bucks, no matter where you live. After these five rules, we'll talk about the most important aspect of any business, whether it be home-based or a giant factory -- cash flow. Starting yourown business out of your home is all about attitude and inspiration, but all the attitude in the world won't help you without money!

1. It Takes Commitment: Is it any secret in America that most people detest their jobs? Study after study proves that most people simply dread going to work Monday morning, and they live for the freedom of the weekend. But even that freedom is not pure because we know that it is only temporary. It's hard to enjoy a Sunday evening when the Monday morning alarm clock is just a few hours away.

It makes sense that people hate their jobs. Everyday, there is a lot of butt kissing that needs to be done. There are endless meetings which usually accomplish nothing. There are pointless interruptions, a lot of drifting this way and that, and lot of idiot supervisors who do nothing but waste your time and then dog you for not accomplishing your share of work. There are co-workers you hate, and who would stab you in the back in a minute if it meant a raise for them instead of you.

When you work for someone else, you live a regimented life. Your body may not want to get up at 7 a.m., but you have to be at work by 8 a.m. so you lurch out of bed with a head full of sleep.

People who choose to work at home are doing more than just escaping the yoke of their master; they have made a deep, firm, life-altering decision which says that health, happiness and prosperity depend vitally on the freedom to work for ourselves, and in doing so in the comfort of the home.

We want to really emphasize that fact that to be successful in a work-at-home situation, you have to be nothing less than a fanatic; a zealot, who is utterly committed to making work-at-home not only a successful venture, but a profound commitment for life. You must be convinced that a return to an outside office job would be the equivalent of a spiritual death sentence.

Many people hate their office jobs, but they have made an inner compromise with themselves. They have convinced themselves that their job is "not so bad," pays the bills, and that they can stick out because they have to.

If you want to be truly successful at quitting your day job, there cannot be any room for such compromises in your soul. You have to take the attitude that to work any longer at your hateful job is akin to fouling your inner being with a spiritual cancer the will sicken and kill you.

2. Eliminating the Home-Office Mentality: To move our work home, however, does not mean we eliminate every single thing about the traditional American office. Rather, we should select what is useful and what is not.

It's a mistake to quit your job and go home with a "home-office" mentality. By this we mean thinking small, and believing that you will automatically sacrifice a decent income in exchange for your freedom. Please! Do not think small!

To quote Jeffrey Lant again: "Too many home-based practitioners fail to understand the benefits that accrue because of the professional style they have selected. They focus on the "home" part of the business rather than the "business" portion, and as a result are doomed to small incomes." Working at home provides many benefits. We can save a lot of time because we don't need to commute and we have more control over our schedule. We can save a lot of costs because we don't have the overhead requirements of larger businesses. We can cut our stress -- and so have more energy --because we avoid many of the characteristic problems of life in the late 20th-Century office. We must work these advantages to our profit.

3. Your International Headquarters: The German philosopher Immanuel Kant said that if you sit at home alone at your empty kitchen table, eventually, the "whole world will come to you."

Well, today you don't need the great mind of a philosopher to make the entire world come into your living room. What you need is a phone jack.

We live in a unique time in history. Satellites, fiber optics, the integrated circuit and other communications miracles means that you can be just about anywhere in the developed world and establish communication with anyone.

The telephone, the fax machine, the computer, the modem -- all of these are not only affordable by any middle-class citizen; they are the key to eliminating your need to drive a hectic freeway everyday to get to a place of business outside your home.

With these devices at our disposal, we should allow ourselves to "think globally." Too often, home-based businesses focus on the narrowest market, the neighborhood, the county, the city or state. This is fine if you are providing a local service and are content with a certain moderate level of income. But if you want the big bucks, you should not think small. Also, you should not believe that, just because you are home-based, you cannot compete with the big guys.

The purpose of any business is to seek assess and seek out every possible market for its products and services, to ascertain whether these markets have the ability to buy these products/services, to determine whether there is sufficient profit in these markets to warrant approaching them, and, once positive assessment has been made, to launch a sustained marketing campaign that gets a significant percentage of this market to purchase the product or service in question.

Your home telecommunications machines will not only enable you to do this, but they can also help you overwhelm larger, more cumbersome traditional businesses that are your competition.

As a home-based entrepreneur, you will not have all of the disadvantages of your more traditional competitors: no office rent, equipment or expense; no employees to pay salaries and fringe benefits for; no time wasted on meetings, employee problems, paid sick leave, etc.

All the money your competitors spend on heating the office and buying furniture could better be spent on the actual marketing itself.

As a home-based business, you will be already positioned where the traditional business is currently struggling to move: toward the lowest possible overhead and the greatest possible concentration of dollars on products/service development and product/service marketing.

So, a home-based business takes full advantage of three major goals of modern business success:

(1) Vastly reduced overhead
(2) Easy access to a global market
(3) Full advantage of telecommunications

To not have the basic telecommunications toys -- computer, modem, fax, and telephones is impossibly stupid. Still, even in this day and age, many of people strongly resist the one element that is undoubtedly the heart and brain of any successful home business -- the computer. The computer is soimportant in fact, we have made it a category all itself.

And remember, learning to use a modern computer is easier than learning to drive a car, so you have no excuse not to plunge forward.

4. The Computer: You should pay close attention to what computers can do for you in your plans to escape your job and make your work-at-home dreams come true.

People who want to run a home business usually have a very small staff -- infact, a staff of one -- yourself! The rest of your needs are handled by independent contractors, depending on the kind of business you are in and the services you need.

To run a serious, truly global home business, a computer is as necessary as oxygen is to life on earth. Those who try to fool themselves into thinking they will ever make a serious go of their home-based business without a computer are sadly mistaken.

Computers give you two primary advantages:

(1) They enable you to store large amounts of data and to sort by datafield so that you can easily get the information you need.
(2) They enable you to develop a pattern document for every situation you'll ever be in in your business. To run a home-based business successfully, you must anticipate just what situation will emerge and prepare accordingly.

A business is based on a characteristic series of situations and a characteristic set of things that happen -- or that do not happen. You must be prepared with the proper document for each situation. Once you have established all the protocols, and have experienced all the situations associated with your kind of business, the time will come when running your business is, in large part, a repetition of certain key tasks. Computers are all about handling repetition swiftly and efficiently.

But the computer is much more. Today, by connecting a computer to the phone line with a modem, your machine becomes more than a data storage system and repetitive task handler. It becomes a multi-task, multi-level communications processing center that connects you to the globe.

Such things as e-mail, on-line services, the Internet, the Web and more can't help but revolutionize the way business is done. If you do not become a part of it today, you certainly are going to suffer for it greatly in the near future.

If there is an effective way to market products on the Internet or any other on-line venue, no one has truly discovered it yet. The only people making money on Internet marketing are the people who are selling the concept of doing it. If you have a product or a service and expect to reach millions of buyers through computer screens, you are sadly mistaken.

The Internet is definitely where a lot of innovative things are happening. It's a great place to exchange ideas, find out what hot, what's not, and stay on the cutting edge whatever your particular business is.

5. Your Business Hours: If you've been paying attention to the first four points, you're well on your way to becoming a successful home-based business owner. Now we don't want you to blow it by thinking you can keep banker's hours.

The global market is a 24-hour per day market, and a 365-day per year market. Let the others sleep late on Saturdays and take Sundays off. Those times could be your day to move and corner loads of customers that the others miss.

You should get up earlier and quit work later. You should be open for business on holidays and be available 24-hours a day either personally or through your answering service.

"But wait a minute!" you might be thinking at this point! "I thought that working at home was all about freedom and an end to drudgery. This sounds like nothing but endless work!"

Well, here's the thing. For most of you who quit your regular jobs to go to work for yourself, you'll discover something magical. You'll discover that when you are working for yourself, when you are building your own business, a lot of does not seem like work at all.

The great writer Jane Roberts said, "Inspiration is its own motivator. "

Running your own business is all about being inspired 24-hours-a-day. When you stop selling your body and soul to some company or corporation and start giving your energy to yourself, work has a way of turning into inspiration and play.

The perfect work for you is that which you don't think of as work, yet doing it makes money and provides you with the bread and shelter of life. You'll see what it's like if you make a true commitment to being self-employed, put all your energy into it, and stick with it for the long run.

Buying and Selling Used Cars

Today, with the average consumer now spending up to $16,400 for a new car, consumers realize the importance on investing in lower priced used cars. With millions of buyers entering the used vehicle market every year, a wealth of opportunities exist for anyone looking for extra income, or a new and lucrative full-time career. They key to making a lot of money in this business is to buy low, and sell at a huge profit. This report will show you how to get started down the road to riches as a used car dealers.

The goal of many people is just to make a little extra income. If you consider $1,000 to $3,000 or more for a single sale in one month to be "extra income" you could easily make that in your spare time without much effort.

On the other hand, you may be one of those people who want to be their own boss. While it's true that the risks are often greater than if you just worked for someone else, it's just as true that risks and rewards go hand-in-hand. If you're willing to take the plunge, the potential returns are also greater. If you have a bit of the adventure-some spirit and some confidence in your own skills and abilties, operating your own used car business may be the ideal way for you to make big, big money!

The opportunity to express your own ideas and do things exactly as you want is among the primary advantages of operating your own business. The challenge and excitement of running your own operation also ranks high on the list. Another big advantage is that you will receive all the profits generated by your time and efforts. The potential exists to develop a part-time business into a full-time career that produces an income you never thought possible.

The same type of personal skills that are necessary to successfully work for someone else are also required to be successful in working for yourself. Personal skills involve being conscientious, dedicated, determined and persistent. Good human relation skills are also important.

There is also another type of skill that is necessary: It involves the ability to manage and organize your activities and possibly those of others, if you hire salespeople to work for you. This skill should be taken very seriously because organizational ability is what can make the difference between huge success and total failure.

Finally, you will need technical skills. These are the skills that include the knowledge to perform activities invloved in the used car business. It is this combination of technical, personal and management skills that will make your operation successful.

Whether you are operating your business on a part-time or full-time basis, people will expect you to provide the type of service any consumer expects. They will also associate the type of service they can expect with the image you create for your business. This image will be the impression you make on others.
For example: Will people perceive you as handling high-medium, or low-priced vehicles? Will your used cars appeal mostly to the rich, the poor, or the middle class? Do you sell something for everyone or do you specialize? (Just pick-ups, just vans, etc.)

Any positive image is fine as long as you are consistent in everything you do within the scope of that image. The image you create will largely set the tone for all your business activities, including selection of a business location, types of vehicles handled, prices charged, etc.

If you are going to buy one or two cars at a time for resale on a part-time basis, then working right from your home shouldn't pose a problem for you. However, if you intend to eventually have a large, full-time business operation, the most important ingredient in your success or failure could be your location. What constitutes a good location varies with the type of business. But in the used car business it means being highly visible in a high traffic area, and being situated so that driving customers can get to you. In many cases, the location you consider ideal may not be available, or if it is, the cost may not be practical. In that event, you will simply have to select the next best location you can find and that is affordable. Then you will have to have strong advertising and promotional work to make customers aware of who you are, and what you are selling, and where they can find you.

Whether you select a location at your home or in a business district, you must make certain you are operating within city and county zoning ordinaces. Zoning ordinances are regulations specifying what each parcel of land within a community can be used for. In the location you decide on is not zoned for the type of business you want to start, you can appeal to the zoning commission to obtain a "zoning variance." If approved, you would be allowed to use the property for your business.

To get started in the "Buy Low, Profit Selling" used car business, you will have to locate suppliers. In some cases you will be able to buy directly from individual car owners. At other times, you will go to independent auction houses, attend Government Auction Sales or Police Auctions where you can often purchase vehicles for pennies on the dollar.

An independent auction houses vehicles owners who have auctioneers sell their vehicle by getting buyers who are at the auction house to bid against one another. Generally, there is a minimum bid set. The person who offers the highest bid over the minimum set has the winning bid. The seller, however, also has the right to sell the vehicle below the minimum bid if he chooses. Incredible bargains can be found at independent auction houses.

A wide variety of personal property either no longer needed, or seized by the Federal Government or Police is periodically placed on public sale. As items become available for public sale. catalogs and other types of announcements are distributed to people who have expressed an interest in bidding on thetypes of property being offered.

Sales generally are on a competitive bid basis, with the property being sold to the highest bidder. Among the many thousands of items sold are automobiles and other vehicles of every imaginable make and model. In fact, tens of thousands of vehicles are sold by the government at public auctions throughout the country every year.

How can there be so many vehicles for sale? Because the government is so huge that it's difficult to even comprehend just how much property is amassed for resale. In fact, the government seizes, confiscates and forecloses on property that results in many millions of pieces of property every year, and that number continues to grow.

Incredibly, the government isn't a private business that is interested in making a profit on the items it sells. The government is mostly interested in eliminating enormous stockpiles of seized and surplus vehicles and other properties. As a result, many thousands of vehicles are offered to the public through government auctions at a fraction of their actual value. This is where you can buy just about any model of vehicle you want at super-huge savings and make gigantic resale profits.

Both the Government Services Administration (GSA) and the Department of Defense maintain mailing lists on persons interested in seized and surplus property sales. People on these lists are sent catalogs and other sales annoucements in advance of sales and give the opportunity to inspect the vehicles and submit bids.

For information on Government Auctions write to or visit your locate Service Bureau, courthouse, Better Business Bureau, Chamber of Commerce, Police Station or City Hall.
City, county, state/provincial and/or federal licenses or permits are often required before entering a particular business or service operation.

Licensing is also used as a method of regulating the competency of those entering a particular field and to protect the publicfrom shady operators. In some cases an exam is administered, and moral andfinancial requirements may need to be met as well.

In the used-car business, most states/provinces require that you obtain a dealer'slicense if you are buying and selling vehicles for the purpose of making a profit. However, you are not required to apply for a license if you only make an isolated or occasional sale. You are not considered to be in the business of selling motor vehicles in that event. "Isolated or occasional sales" in many states/provinces means the sale, purchase, or lease of not more than five motor vehicles in a 12-month period.

Once you begin to sell more vehicles for profit that is allowed by your state/provincial law on an annual basis, you should apply for a Dealer's License by contacting your state/provincial/federal department of public safety or department of motorvehicle.

Check with your attorney or other city officials to determine what licences and permits are needed. Simply start up a business without having the proper authorizations can result in severe penalties, and you could beforced to discontinue operations.

Many states/provinces and some cities and counties require that sales taxes be collected. The state/provincial sales tax permit is available from the State/Provincial Department of Revenue. City and county permits are available from the tax department in those jurisdictions.
Even though a certain amount of "red-tape" must be tolerated to obtain some licenses and permits, this is usually a one-time occurrence. Then, it's just a matter of submitting an annual renewal fee.